Our Terms and Conditions as set out in this section, provide information pertaining to a number of legal and regulatory matters, including Raymond James’ processes for delivering best execution of our clients’ orders and portfolio trades, and information about how we manage actual and potential conflicts of interest in our firm. You will also find information about FSCS and ISA limits, charges, our approach to fund trail and Investor Account Protection.
In this area of the website, we cover information about this website and your use of it, as well as Pillar 3 Disclosures, Stewardship and information about the use of Email.
Telephone Recording
Please note that telephone calls made to Raymond James may be recorded. These recordings may be used to monitor the accuracy of information provided by our callers and the staff of Raymond James. Recordings of calls may be used to assist Raymond James to comply with legal and regulatory requirements. Staff of Raymond James are aware that conversations may be monitored and recorded.